Category Archives: Robin Williams


Australian actor-writer-producer Brendan Cowell is heading for India Sunday to make a feature film about the funny side of cricket.The star of the new Australian film `Noise’, Cowell told IANS, ‘It’s going to be funny because it’s guys, cricket and India. Cricket is funny. Its chubby men in white pants standing around all fascinated over a hard red sphere, all day long..

He goes on to add that he has played this game since he was 5…well, cricket is australia’s national game so I guess the poor man had no choice. A chequered childhood !

When will men grow up ?

Homer (a fellow blogger, -not the greek author or overweight Simpson) comments, “cricket is life…Everything else is mere detail”.. Yours is a hard life, I see. Me? I thrive on details.

My other half is, as you have all guessed, crazy about the game. When the doctor said that our child would have to be taken out by C Section on 11th April due to certain complications (see, I thrive on details!), my husband piped up and actually asked the doctor if it could wait till 24th April, so our child’s birth would coincide with HH Sachin tendulkar’s birth date ! Fortunately we live in a first world advanced country where cricket is unknown, so the doctor was wise enough to shrug off the &*%$#@ suggestion.

Really, when will men grow up ???

Robin Williams expounded “cricket is basically baseball on valium”.

Valium isn’t a good drug of choice. Wiki says: Diazepam(Valium) can cause physical dependence, addiction … Withdrawal from diazepam often leads to withdrawal symptoms which are similar to those seen during alcohol and barbiturate withdrawal.(My other half’s behaviour on non cricket days is now making sense) The higher the dose and the longer the drug is taken for the greater the risk of experiencing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can however occur from standard dosages (read: Test Matches) and also after short term use (read: One dayers). This treatment should be discontinued as soon as possible via a slow and gradual dose reduction regime. (Pay good heed, ye cricket addicts! )

And finally, my thoughts:



Filed under cricket, My other half, Robin Williams, Sachin Tendulkar, women against cricket